Wednesday, 28 April 2010


it is the process of identifying a pool of suitable candidate for the available job vacancy. Labour can be recruited externally or internally.
(businessdictionary [2010] recruitment)

As stated above, recruitment can be done inernally or externally.

Internal recruitment:

Internal recruitment, is when an organisation recruits within its own employees, to fill up its available job vacancies. Organisations do this when they may feel that they already have the right people with the right skills already and therefore will not waste time to look for more people. these vacancies are mainly advertised within the organisation on staff notice board, or their intranetnetwork, or even their company newspapers.


  • It gives existing employees a chance to improve and move up the ladder in their career.
  • More promotions will motivate staff, since staff would work hard if they know that there is a promotion at the end of the line.
  • Training and induction times are all saved as the employee will know most things already.
  • It is more safer as employer will already know about the person and about his/her abilities and are avoiding the risk of recruiting a new unknown candidate.
  • It saves time and money.


  • When recruiting internally, there is only limited applicants to chose from.
  • Applicants from outside may be better suited for the jobs. (have more skills)
  • when a staff gets promoted, his/her place will become free and will have to be filled.

(tutor2u [2010] recruitment- internal recruitment)

External recruitment:

this is when the organisation recruits labour from outside its organisation, most businesses regularly recruits externally, especially the growing ones. external recruitment is mainly done through recruitment agencies, job centres, headhunters, advertisement and so on.


  • By recruiting externally the company has more power on which candidates to chose from as they will have a larger amount of people to chose from and therefore this gives the organisation the advantage.
  • By bringing newer people from diferent background will give a good image to the organisation discriminationwise.


  • New employees may not be as good as they said they were, resulting in a lower turnover.
  • By employing a new workforce, time and money may need to be spend in trainning them.
  • New employees are not guarenteed to stay with the organisation and may decide to leave, this would be costly for the organisation as they would have wasted their time and money on training these employees.

(tutor2u [2010] recruitment- external recruitment)

Review of an online recruitment site:

In this part of the report i will go on a online recruitment site and analyse it to see wether it is attractive, easlily accessible and so on. the website that i have chose to look at is

website layout:

The website has a job search section with a location search section. This is great for quick simple searches and it saves a lot of time. The more you go down they have different sections that gives advice on how to create a CV, that has onl;ine resources such as company profiles, and even better, you can create your own online profile which will be looked at by potential employers and they may contact you if they like your profile. It saves a whole time compared to CV handling.

Accessibility of jobs:

This website is really good at searching for available jobs in the desired areas, however every single available vacancies that came up were for jobs such as management, engineers, accountants, basically only high qualified jobs. Even when i typed in Tesco Sainsbury's they only management jobs. This site is really good for skilled labopur with qualification to look for a job, however for the unqualified ones this site would be useless.

overall this site is good for qualified people looking for jobs, but useless to unqualified people. It is really unfair, but then again there are higher demand for qualified labour compared to unqualified ones.

Advantages of online recruitment:

  1. It is quick and saves a lot of time for the company as well as for the applicant
  2. Recruiting online will give the organisation good applicants to chose from, as it will eliminate people that are not suitable for the jobe as they are less likely to apply for it.
  3. It saves a lot of money as advertising costs will be taken by the online recruiting agencies.
  4. Comunication is easier through the internet.
  5. Everything is managable from one place.

Disadvantage of online recruitment:

  1. The employer never knows if the applicant is genuine or not, and therefore is takin risks of taking their own time to interview these people and if they were not suitable at all, it would be very frustrating.
  2. popular online recruting sites may be expensive to advertise in and if the organisation do not get any applicant, that would be a waste of money on advertisement.
  3. The organisations advert should be in the top ones as thats where people normally look at, and if the organisations advert is right at the bottom it may never be looked at.
  4. when recruiting online, comunication is done by email and sometimes employers rather prefer to speak on the phone to an applicant to derive their committment to get the job by the way they speak and so on.
  5. if the onluine recruiting site is not attractive enough then the organisation is wasting its money on it.

Psychological Contracts:

When joining a new organisation, an employee has a legal contract with the organisation on the way he/she should behave, attend and so on, and any breach of these contract terms may result in diciplinary actions or the sack. A Psychological contract however, is a unformal contract between the employee and the manager. These would be things such as completing a prticular task everyday or trainning someone and so on. The manager will tell the employee who agrees to do the job. However these unformal agreements between managers and employees cannot be strictly enforced or be punished if whatever that was agreed was not completed by the employee.

(cipd [2010] The psychological Contract)


Overall recruitment is a good way of finding suitable applicats however if not done properly, the prcocesss could be very costly and time consuming; which could be a real waste for the organisation.


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