A leader would be someone who influences a group of people towards the completion of a goal or an objective, whereas a moanager is would be more into planning and setting out work to a group of people and would be monitoring them to see if the work gets done properly or on time.
- (http://www.vtaide.com/gleanings/leader.htm, accessed 01/11/09)
- (http://management.about.com/od/policiesandprocedures/g/manager1.htm, accessed 01/11/09)
Blake and Muton came up with the theory that ther was five styles of leaderships. The grid that was developed by them in the 1960s plots the degree of task-centeredness versus person-centeredness and identifies five combinations as distinct leadership styles.
The Impoverished manager:
This type of manager has no interest in his/her work, very self demotivated and disorganised, which leads to very low productivity. He/she hasn't got any high regards in getting the objectives completed, nor has a whish to create a motivating environment for the staff within the work place.
The Authoritative Manager:
This type od managers are very autocratic, they have to complete the objectives at all costs and consider emplyee needs 2nd to completing objectives. These managers have very strict work rules and they motivate staff through punishment. They have a very high production level and try to use as lower staff as possible to get the job done. (reducing labour cost)
The Social manager:
These managers will comply to the needs of staff, they consider staff and harmony of the workplace more important than the quality of work. Eventhough these managers achieve reasonable results, production will still be suffering as they lack of control and direct staff towards completing their objectives
The Middle-Of-The-Road manager:
These types of managers balance out both the needs of employees and the level of work that needs to be done. Their production level is average. The problem with this type of management is that it is never able to fill either side. The level of production will neva be to the full and in the same way the level of employee needs will neva be met to the full; as everything is balanced.
The team management:
This acording to Blake and Muton is the perfect manager, as they regard production level as a prime objective aswel as the employees needs. This will have a motivated environment where staff will work to their maximum abilities hence providing the best production level.
(http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_73.htm, accessed 01/11/09)
The Managerial Grid:

(http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_73.htm, accesed 01/11/09)
A great leader:
I would consider Michael jackson as a great leader as i believe that he has truly changed the societies throughout the world through his songs. Eventhough he wasn't a leader directly guiding people, he was still inside a lt of people's hearts as was considered as a leader. He does not give speaches about his views but sings about them. He has attracted a very large level of followers worldwide due to his extremely brilliant songs as well as the his views in those songs. He had changed the whole music culture and had created his own informal society. his words had meanings, meanings that changed the world. unfortunatly he passed away, and the level of people affected worlwide due to his death was tremendous.
In comclusion, writting this report has given me a better understanding of the different styles of leadership there is and how each one of them will affect the business or company, and which one could be used for a perfect level of production aswell as staff motivation
- (http://www.vtaide.com/gleanings/leader.htm, accessed 01/11/09)
- (http://management.about.com/od/policiesandprocedures/g/manager1.htm, accessed 01/11/09)
- (http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_73.htm, accesed 01/11/09)
Some elements missing from this blog. you need to compare a manager you know to Blake and Mouton's grid, and also find an article on leadership and Michael Jackson before explaining why you feel he is a good leader