Friday 8 January 2010


Personality: is the pattern of collective character, behavioral, temperamental, emotional, and mental traits of a person. (thefreedictionnary (2009) personality)

There are two types of personalities. one as the nature and the other one is the nurture.

This states that peoples personalities and behaviour are inherited and evlove as the genes evolve, and therefore a persons personality is made up from the previous generations personalities (familly). (buzzle (2009) nature vs nurtur theories)

This states that a person has no personality when they ae born and that as a person grows they
personality will be developped through their influences with other people, their environment, their beliefs wether religious or political and so on.

There is a nice explanation on the net about this topic on the link below, i would recomend any that don't understand this topic to view. its simple and understandable.

The other views are the nomothetic and the idiographic view.

The nomothetic view:
This view suggests that people have more or less the same types of personalities, however the way their traits structured is unique and that is the only unique thing about a persons personality. (wilderdom (2009) personality traits)

The idiographic view:
This view on the other hands states that every person have their unique sets of traits and it is impossible to compare some ones personality to another person. (wilderdom (2009) personality traits)

In my point of view the nurtur is more domineant as i believe that peoples personalities develops through the environment they are in and the influence around them. for example a person that hangs around with gangsters will have an attitude and do what ever he wants to do where as a person that has been educated and hangs around with decent people will have manners respect others, give a chance to others. therefore i believe that personality is more to do with the influence and evironment around us.

Online tests:
I did both of the tests and they are alright but not that accurate on my personality, i am more of laid back guy but consider to finish my priorities first before laying back.
the second test was more accurate i believe.

I wouldn't recomend these tests to use as a selection tool as it may be wrong and employers relying on these tests may get the wrong person for the job. People can also easily lie on these tests and therefore it is not reliable.

Personality is something that, in my point of view arises through the surrounding and experiences and influence of other people around us. personality of a person can always change, that is why people say: "people change" and therefore in conclusion, the nurtur view is more dominant in our society than the nature one.


(thefreedictionary (2009) personality [online] available at: [accessed: 08/01/10])

(buzzle (2009) nature vs nurture theories [online] available at: [accessed: 08/01/10])

1 comment:

  1. I think I posted a comment on this blog but it isn't here, so I will post again. The theories for this blog are incorrect and demonstrate that you don't quite understand them. There are 2 types of personality theories, nomothetic and idiographic, not 2 types of personalities. Far more reflection needed on your personality questionnaires. Please re-visit this blog and make the changes suggested.
